Perfect for children and fun to read. I hope there are more Hank and Stella books in the future.
-George Gesouras

and more
The book has received plenty of positive feedback, thus far! See below for videos, reviews, blog posts, quotes, and more. Read an excerpt or click a logo/link for additional information!

Joe Llorens
"[My kids] loved it. We started playing games right away. My daughters asked me to keep it in their room and I've seen them flipping through it since."

Eren Alasyali
"A fun story but also gives instructions on how to do improv which was a nice change from other children’s books. We even had to stop in the middle and try out our own improv."

Roni Matzkin
"You managed to convey the concept of improv in a way children can relate to."

Alumni Newsletter
"Author and illustrator, Synadinos, playfully brings eight improvisational speaking rules to life."

Jennifer Naughton
Geek Reads Kids
"The Improv Book you didn’t know you needed. ... perfect for inspiring creativity at home or school."

Amy Carpenter
"I love the message in your book. It's fun, educational without being pedantic, and very inviting. The bonus activities to do on your own, and encouragement to make up new ones, is awesome and lets them start doing improv from the get-go."

Archie Woods
Agile Coach
"Loved the book, the teaching through poetry was great. The 'yes and' poem might be my favorite one. The teaching mistakes are opportunities was also a really great thing to learn.
I liked the style of it, and how you are learning improv at the same time as the characters in the book was clever. The illustrations were unique and fun."​

Brian Palermo
Actor, Improviser, Trainer
"Hank and Stella are a hit in the Palermo house. The boys gave 'I liked it's'. I liked it, too. You did a great job of introducing the 'prov basics."

Age 9
"The book is so cute! It is on my bookshelf with my other favorite books."

Spencer Frankenberger
"As an improviser who has gone through multiple training programs, this book really brings me back to the roots of improv. What I love about this book is that, while it is for kids, is a fun read for adults, too. It's quick-witted, sharp, and includes pairs of rhymes that work well together. The idea of improv is so simple and yet so complex, and this story dives into this in an indirect way that doesn't distract but rather enhances the meaning of "yes, and" by teaching the foundation for children and providing a solid reminder for the adults (or the kid in you) how to approach improv and how to quite literally take "something from nothing."

Local Author Festival
August 26, 2018

Dr. Petro Janse van Vuuren
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
"I think it is an excellent tool for drama teachers. I may even use some of the rhymes for the University students I teach to help them remember the principles. As an educational tool, it is simple, clever, and well-explained."